Mental Obstacles and Other Impediments

BAMS BRC Group photo

Mental Obstacles and Other Impediments by George Tranos There is a right way, a wrong way and your own way to do something. Many times, people think they know better or find that conventional wisdom on how something is done is outdated or just doesn’t apply to them. It doesn’t matter what the subject is – plumbing, wood working, motorcycle…

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Motorcycle Desire

Big Apple Motorcycle School instructor George Tranos on the track

Motorcycle Desire By George Tranos Motorcycling is not for the risk averse. Most of us enjoy the excitement, challenge and adrenaline generated from riding. Risk taking is inherent in the sport and some are drawn to it just for that reason. The extreme of that attitude is that mountains are there to be climbed, airplanes exist to parachute out of…

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Fits like a glove

Motorcycle gloves have unique characteristics

Fits like a glove by George Tranos Gloves are an important piece of safety equipment that every motorcyclist should wear whenever they are riding. Why are they so important? The first reaction of anyone who falls is to try to brace for impact with their hands and arms. It makes sense to protect these sensitive parts by wearing quality, motorcycle…

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Recommended Beginner Motorcycles

Which one is right for you? By George Tranos Back in the good old days of motorcycling (circa 1970’s), everyone started out on relatively small motorcycles. It was not unusual to ride a 125 or 250 cc model as your first bike! After a year or two, you moved up to a larger motorcycle, most likely in the 400 to…

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Preparing for your course

Our last MSF Basic RiderCourse for 2010

Preparing for your course By George Tranos   Want to be more prepared for your MSF Basic RiderCourse? People who are prepared tend to do better. Here are some recommendations that will help you be more prepared to take your class and be successful. Read all the materials we send you about the course. Complete your online eCourse before the…

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Using the clutch when riding

Using the clutch when riding by George Tranos New riders sometimes don’t understand when the use of the clutch is required and when it’s not. Let’s try and clear that up here and realize when and where it is essential. The proper use of the clutch is important to get the motorcycle moving. Beginners have to learn the friction zone…

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Never Say Goodbye – securing your motorcycle

Secure your bike with a disc lock

Never Say Goodbye By Diane P. Ortiz There is no spot in the world emptier than the space where your motorcycle used to be. Motorcycles and scooters are an easy target for thieves if they are not secured because they can be wheeled away or bundled into a van or truck in seconds. “Motorcycles are twice as likely to be…

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Battery Care Over the Winter

Double checking battery connections

Battery Care Over the Winter By Diane P. Ortiz If temps have been below freezing you’ve probably taken in your plants and winterized your house/apartment weeks ago. Many people ride all year round, but they are the exception. Most of us put away our bikes once the weather goes below freezing. The thought of black ice, sandy roads and debris,…

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AmeriDeck Motorcycle Lift System Review

AmeriDeck Motorcycle Lift System

AmeriDeck Motorcycle Lift System Review by George Tranos While we would all rather be riding, there are times that you need to transport your motorcycle instead. Motorcycle transport is a good option if you want to take your motorcycle to a track day, bring it in for service when it’s needed or simply travel to another location. Most people use…

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Struggles and Success

Struggles and Success

Struggles and success by George Tranos Sometimes things don’t go as planned. Hands and feet don’t move as desired, coordination is lacking and movements become abrupt. This is a sure sign that someone is struggling. Learning to ride a motorcycle can be challenging! Struggles can lead to success if you can overcome your mistakes. Some people think learning looks easy…

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